How long are shipping times?

Your products will be shipped within two days of your order, and then take up to four days to two weeks to reach your doorstep. Each product at The Gentle Beauty has an estimated delivery time of 4-13 business days. *Due to COVID-19, shipping carriers maybe experiencing delays.

Can I cancel my order?

    All orders are processed 24-48 hours. If you would like to cancel your order, you can contact us through

    hello@thegentlebeautyau.com or DM us @thegentle.beauty within 1 hour of order placement to cancel your order.

    What happens if I receive the wrong item?

    If there’s an issue with your order -- if it’s the wrong size, wrong color, defective, or otherwise not exactly what you ordered -- then simply notify us, through our email hello@thegentlebeautyau.com or DM us @thegentle.beauty with photos and order number that you have, and we'll send you a new one. 

    Do you ship internationally?

    We ship internationally on our US website. Unfortunately, it's a little harder to ship internationally here in Australia so we decided to just stick shipping locally. 

    Where are you based?

    Was based in Los Angeles, CA but we have relocated to Canberra, ACT, Australia

    Other questions that are not in here?

    Feel free to contact us at hello@thegentlebeautyau.com or DM us @thegentle.beauty (IG)